Case study Hotelify
Ecommerce replatforming on Shopify Plus, with integration between SOH and the company ERP, for optimal sales performance and coordinated and centralized management
Hotel industry
Hotel supplies
Have a more flexible technological architecture, adopting the Shopify Plus solution for ecommerce, improving the ”time to market”
User Experience Analysis, replatforming and commerce on Shopify Plus and SOH integration with company ERP and Online Shop

Who is Hotelify?
Hotelify, owned by the Allegrini chemical group, which has been creating and testing new cleaning solutions for the cosmetics sector since 1945, is a highly prestigious brand in the hotel industry, with a vast range of hotel supplies, suitable for any context, from luxury hotels to simple Bed & Breakfasts, which makes it the reference brand player in the Italian and European markets.
Shopify Plus ecommerce replatforming and integration with SOH and ERP
Project Brief
The client approached Sintra with the aim of restructuring the ecommerce from Magento to Shopify Plus, for a more flexible architecture, which reduces the site’s Time to market, increasing sales performance thanks to the creation of multilingual and multi-price list structures, with a price list and product catalog adapted to each market in which the company operates. Once the Shopify ecommerce was finalized, the latter was integrated with SOH (Sintra Omnichannel Hub), which in turn was integrated with the company ERP, thus creating a coordinated and orderly data centralization hub.

An integrated Shopify Plus ecommerce with SOH modules and company ERP
After a careful UX (User Experience) analysis, reprogramming the user interface in a more strategic and sales-oriented way, a migration was carried out from Magento to Shopify Plus, for an even more performing e-commerce. In a second moment, we then proceeded with the integration of the latter with the Pim/Dam, OCX and OMS modules of our SOH product, integrated in turn with the company ERP, allowing optimal management of invoicing, order tracking and customer records, reducing the risk of data dispersion.

A challenging project: Shopify Plus ecommerce development, SOH and ERP integration
Sintra Consulting after a thorough UX analysis, for the definition of touchpoints and navigation flows, the ecommerce was rebuilt on Shopify Plus, to then integrate it with our SOH middleware (Sintra Omnichannel Hub). Involving the various company suppliers, the work was concluded with the integration with the ERP eSolver, guiding the Hotelify brand towards an omnichannel management of its trade. The project also includes a post-delivery service that will monitor the results achieved. From this experience we can summarize the main challenges successfully faced:
- The creation of a multilingual eCommerce that included the use of five languages towards 11 different countries
- The management of an extremely large catalogue, consisting of over 30 thousand products, with different characteristics
- Management and coordination of the actors involved to integrate all company assets
Want to see what we did for Hotelify?
Sintra’s response to Hotelify’s needs
User Experience Analysis
The site has been optimized by redesigning the navigation flows and defining the main touchpoints. Creating an explanatory and intuitive journey for the customer, in order to lead him to the purchase.
Shopify Plus ecommerce replatforming
The client decided to migrate from Magento to a Shopify Plus ecommerce, thus optimizing the performance of sales-related performance, with a customized user interface aimed at reducing time to market.
Shopify Plus Ecommerce Integration with SOH
Shopify Plus e-commerce has been integrated with SOH’s Pim/Dam, OMS and OCX modules, for correct management of product records, data from orders and returns and for an improved and comfortable omnichannel user experience.
SOH Integration with ERP
Thanks to a collaboration between the brand’s various suppliers, for the construction of an omnichannel structure, we proceeded with the integration of the ERP eSolver, to have a coordinated and orderly control over constantly updated data relating to customers and sales.
Projects managed
Orders handled per month

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